“My bequest shall be placed in the (name of the fund) Fund held at the Community
Foundation of Snohomish County, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Washington,
TAX ID/EIN # 94 3188703. Once placed in the aforementioned fund, the bequest will be used in accordance with the signed fund agreement on file with Community Foundation
of Snohomish County.”
You can even specify the type of fund you’d like to create:
1. Area of Interest Fund
“This gift shall be used to create a fund to be known as the __________________ Fund, the income of which shall be devoted to the support of ______________(name particular charitable purpose/geographic area or audience focus)____________and so distributed according to the judgment of the Board of Directors of the Community Foundation of Snohomish County.”
2. Designated Fund
When your client wants to create a charitable fund that supports specific nonprofits.
“This gift shall be used to create a fund to be known as the ________ (name the fund) ________________ Fund, the income of which shall be devoted to the support of ______________(name specific nonprofit)____________for the purpose of _____(describe purpose if any)_________.”
3. Donor Advised Fund
“This gift shall be used to create a fund to be known as the _____ (name the fund) _____Fund. ____(name specific people who will be advisors to make grants from this fund)______.”
4. Greatest Need/Unrestricted:
When your client wants to keep it simple and rely on the Community Foundation to make decisions about how the gift is used.
“I give to the Community Foundation of Snohomish County, a nonprofit corporation
of the State of Washington, TAX ID/EIN # 94-3188703 the sum of
$__________________to be used for greatest needs.”