Education Grant – 2019
The Education Grant intends to strengthen access to early learning in communities of color. The committee is interested in hearing about the population being served, including any supporting data applicants can include.
Grants could support the following:
- Helping families remove barriers
- How do you know this is a barrier?
- Who did you ask?
- Providing childcare
- Culturally appropriate materials
- Translation services
- Transportation
- Technology solutions
- Stipends
- Scholarships
Nonprofits, school districts, and public agencies serving Snohomish County residents may apply. Capacity building, operations, system support, educational and direct service programs will not be considered for funding unless these items focus on creating better access for early learning. Applicants should demonstrate a prior working relationship with the population being served. If there is no history with the population being served, applicants will not be considered for funding.
Grant range: $10,000 – $20,000 per year. This is a two year grant.
Grant Deadline: 8/30/2019
Notification: Agencies will be notified within 30 days of the committee decision.
Follow Up: This is a multi-year grant. A report will be required after one year to be considered for the 2nd year of funding.
Apply: here
For questions regarding grants or the online process, contact Elizabeth Moran