Resources & Links

Best of the Web

Board Governance


  • Penelope Burke. Author, researcher and celebrated for some of the most important innovations in modern-day fundraising. Book, Donor-Centered Fundraising. Cygnus Research.
  • Susan Howlett. Local speaker, author. Trains boards and staff to fundraise money “joyfully.” Book, Boards on Fire.
  • The Fundraising Authority. Excellent resource for small and medium nonprofits. Sign up for the free, online newsletter. Great, practical tips.


Funding Information Network. A premium, grant database and free workshops located at the Marysville Library. Serves the entire county. This collection is comprised of information on such topics as nonprofit organizations and all aspects of fundraising and philanthropy.


Legal Services

Human Resources

Consulting Support

501 Commons. State-wide resource and consultant referral. Provides sliding scale consulting and a variety of resources.

This list is intended to be a short resource for your nonprofit’s most basic governance and operational needs. What other local resources would you like to see reflected here? Affordable meeting space? Local consultants? What other topics do you need help with? Let us know how we can help by contacting Angelique Leone at or by signing up for our FREE workshop email list.

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